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Malaika in Islam

Malaika in Islam

Angels or Malaika are created by Allah, Malaika is also discussed in Quran by Allah. The meaning of Malaika in the Arabic Language is “angels, from the plural of Arabic(malaik)”.

Malaika is another creature that was created by Allah and known to mankind, although we did not know when Malaika was created. But they are another of Allah’s creations before humankind.

Duties of Angels / Malaika

Malaika has many different duties to Allah. Some Malaika continuously worships Allah and serve their duties obediently. Following are some of the known duties that serve by Malaika:

  • They act as a communicator to Prophets.
  • They write everything we do in our daily life, and this information latter shown to every people on Judgment Day.
  • Izrail (one of Many Malaika), known as The Angel of Death is responsible for taking human souls on the order of Allah when a human dies.

Some Malakia is standing on the door of Jannat (Paradise) for welcoming the good Muslims.

Malakia also performs duties in the pits of Hell.

Important Malaika and their Responsibilities


This Malaika is most discussed in Qur’an and Hadith. Jibril is known as a bringer of good news. Jabril also revealed Allah’s words to Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) in the form of the Holy Quran. He also played the main role in communicating with humanity for Islam.

The name of Jibril is mentioned in Quran in this verse of Surah Al-Baqarah:

Say, “Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel – it is [none but] he who has brought it [i.e., the Qur’ān] down upon your heart, [O Muḥammad], by permission of Allah, confirming that which was before it and as guidance and good tidings for the believers.” [2:97] 


Mikail angels are responsible for giving the rain as ordered by Allah, this water helps the land to provide food to mankind.

He also rewards people that do good deeds and guard the worshiped places. Angel Maikail and Jibril will be present on Qayyamat (Judgement Day).


Izrail responsibility to take souls from mankind when they died.


He is known as the announcer of the Day of Judgement. it is believed he will be present on the day of resurrection, and blow the trumpet to announce the Qayyamat.

Allah says in Quran about Malaika to those people who have wrong believes about Malaika:

” He does not begot nor he is begotten “[112:3].

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